The Best Mac I've Ever Reviewed!

We got a little bit of an exclusive for you today which are always fun now look we're always talking about new pieces of tech on this channel but you got to take a step back sometimes and think and just remember how smart some of the AI in this tech is getting like we just saw the Boston dynamics robot dog and even their newest packaging robot but this stuff this is next level so today I'm reviewing the most advanced tech I've looked at yet on this channel I'm reviewing the newest edition MAC One of one colorway this is a one of one but it's super cool let's get into it so we've had this new mac at the studio through its development for a couple years now through several software updates we've actually had a pretty big hand in the development of it and we've put it through its paces tested the hardware the software and the features and there's a lot to it 

So if you're one of the lucky people actually considering getting this model or one like it well then this video is for you so actually when we first got the mac here at the studio it was lightly used it wasn't original it didn't have the original packaging so we didn't get to do an on-camera unboxing but that's fine when you first get them they actually have way less features and then you sort of get to uh evolve them over time so first of all basic specs this is the mid-size version in the mocha cream color about 30 pounds fun fact too every unit sold is a unique colorway like I said and a lot of them look like pretty similar but there was lots of small details on each unit that would be just a little bit different and appreciated by the person who gets it then this model has a soft touch finish that actually slowly changes over time and overall I'd say build quality is solid sturdy it's pretty easy to wash although I'd recommend taking it to a certified cleaner they usually do a better job so the mac didn't come with any sort of screen protector or case or bumpers or anything like that but I've generally found you don't need one they're pretty sturdy and well built without one but if you do get one just know that they're a pretty rough sizing model it's not the same cutouts for every single one but if you get one just make sure yours doesn't cover the ventilation system at the front of the exhaust system at the back so you've got a bunch of sensors up at the front this is where the action happens so there are dual monochrome sensors with an auto-focus assist by this middle sensor that the manufacturer calls a snout sensor but it seems to operate the same way that laser auto-focus does meaning it just helps the main sensors so like if you covered it up it would still work it could still take in the surroundings but it's kind of just like the same as laser auto-focus also there's a pair of microphones one on either side for audio processing for voice commands so all these sensors put together help the mac to navigate surroundings and not bump into things that move around its environment so I just want to say battery life is okay but it's not amazing it's not great a lot of these new technologies we give a pass because they're so novel and so cool that we'll focus on battery life in later generations this one you need to charge by the end of the day every time uh the way you charge isn't necessarily how you'd expect there is no USB port I looked trust me, uh but there are a bunch of other ways to potentially charge up so it's got fast charging in the form of this energy transfer with any number of first-party made for mac materials and they're great you can just buy a box of them but of course, there are a bunch of other materials that they say you're not supposed to power it with but if you're in a pinch they'll technically still work they're just not quite as efficient probably the safest way to power the mac is the optional wireless charging pad it doesn't come with this but I would highly recommend it it's pretty convenient for charging up overnight and the software even has this sweet built-in auto docking feature where it automatically returns to the charging pad when the battery gets low and the sensors turn off the software goes to sleep it's just kind of this slower overnight trickle charge but it's a stable one so the rest of the software is pretty solid uh from what 

I gather they're all programmed just a little bit differently this one's programmed with the best friend security guard features uh slightly different for every model but it works so it's programmed to identify a few best friends and then guard those best friends from outside threats so when we got into the studio all the AI and the sensors immediately looked over the environment identified the entryways and just went into protection mode so i guess that's how it delivers out the box and it's very consistent every delivery every visitor every person walking past the door alarm system max volume but everything else runs as you might expect through voice controls kind of like any other piece of tech probably would in 2021 so it's got these mics on either side and it's got the trigger phrase so you just say hey mac get them and it knows the trigger phrase and it's the processing time has gotten shorter over the years through software updates which is dope but there are some quirks so first of all it can take a while to install new programs sometimes days sometimes weeks especially games and sometimes you have to reinstall them a few times before they work but eventually the AI gets it and there is this weird bug where the fetch game force quits in the middle of the game for no reason not sure why but maybe that can be fixed through a patch then mac also has a high performance sport mode where everything just flies but if you're gonna use that mode just know you're gonna be cruising through the battery so you'll for sure have to charge at least once to make it through the end of the day after that still pretty worth it to use this mode every once in a while because the mac is way more enjoyable to own when you got this mode but most of all I think future versions are going to want to work on this sensor layout 

I mean the audio is pretty great and visual pickup is nice but I feel like there's so much data going in that the OS isn't quite processing at all maybe it just needs more ram i guess don't we all but like sometimes the snout sensor will lock on to one thing and then throw off the whole rest of the auto-focus system sometimes if you give it the wrong type of energy too many times the AI learns and starts thinking it's seeing energy all over the place through those sensors and it basically prioritizes all those false positives over everything else trying to keep its battery full sometimes you'll give it a single voice command through the triggers and it will just blast through a series of commands like there's some sort of a script loop in the software and it can be a lot now when it does run hot there is an active cooling system up front like I mentioned and it does make a little bit of noise sometimes usually not too bad in this particular model some other models are way noisier and might expel a little bit of water but other than that it's fine it might just sound a little weird if you're not expecting it but it's fine but i gotta say the best friend mode is flawless some would argue it's the least important mode I'd argue it's the most important it can keep you company hang out with you and I'd actually say this mode is flawless some people have reservations about an AI keeping them company I think this one's great and if you're ever in doubt that the system isn't running smoothly that huge slider on the back acts as a digital well-being indicator so basically the faster it's moving the happier that AI is

I'm no expert like we rate dogs but I'd like to think mac is at least an 11 out of 10. so that's been it


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